Spring Extravaganza

Spring Extravaganza

April 16, 2016

12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Come One, Come All to the Del Sur Spring Extravaganza!  Acrobats, animals, reptiles, clowns and more…  Four spectacular shows every hour on the main stage.  Five of San Diego’s finest food trucks will dishing out their best in our 5th annual Food Truck Tasting.

This year we have booked two bear cubs, a lion cub, a zebra and a camel with Wild Wonders.  These animals will be located in a roped off area with their zoo keepers.  They are there for viewing and educational purposes only.  The residents will not be able to touch these animals, but being able to stand just a few feet away from these exotic creatures will be quite a treat.


Acrobatic Shows | Stilt Walkers | Face Painters | Balloon Artists | Colorful Hair Spray Station | Bounce Houses | Reptiles | Animal Educational Shows | Petting Zoo | Bird Interaction | Clown School | Creation Station

Food Truck Tasting:

Five of San Diego’s finest food trucks will be dishing out delicious samples.

The participating trucks are… The Bacon Truck | It’s A Dog’s World | Cousin’s Lobster (As Seen On Shark Tank) | Frieda’s Cocina | Tabe BBQ

Food Truck Tasting Punch Card- $5 Each | Your punch card includes one sample at each truck.

Tasting begins at 12:00pm and ends at 3pm.


PLEASE REMEMBER…. You are required to show your Del Sur ID Card at our welcome table in order to attend the event.  This ensures that only residents are attending the events.  Please RSVP below to let us know if you’re coming. If you have any questions please email us at info@delsurcsc.org.


Guests are permitted at this event, but they MUST be escorted in by a CSC resident.  The guest fee is $20 per person, ages 3+.  If you are an Avaron resident, your fee is $10 per person ages 3+.


Money for the Food Trucks, a camera and your sense of adventure!

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Date(s) - April 16, 2016
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Spreckels HOA Park
Haaland Glen & Paseo Montenero
San Diego, CA 92127

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1. These events are for Del Sur CSC residents. If you are inviting a guest, please note that there will be an additional cost, per guest, to attend this event. Fees for guest attendance will vary by event.

2. Your street address (i.e. "123 Canton Ridge Terrace") will be used to verify Del Sur Residency.

RSVPs are closed for this event.


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